Tiaki Promise

The Tiaki Promise: Caring for New Zealand What is the Tiaki Promise?

The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to New Zealand, made by both visitors and Kiwis alike. It’s a pledge to care for the land, its people, and its unique culture during your time in Aotearoa (the Māori name for New Zealand).

“Tiaki” means to care for people and place in te reo Māori (the Māori language). By following the Tiaki Promise, you’re agreeing to be a guardian of New Zealand, protecting and preserving this beautiful country for future generations.

The Five Principles of the Tiaki Promise

  1. Care for Land, Sea and Nature: Preserve, protect and leave New Zealand’s forests, beaches, lakes, and marine life as you found them.
  2. Travel Safely: Be prepared, follow local guidance, and make good decisions to stay safe in New Zealand’s landscapes.
  3. Respect Culture: Understand and respect the rich history and living culture of Māori. Show respect at all cultural sites.
  4. Be Considerate: Respect every community and the quality of life of locals. Follow the rules regarding camping, fishing, and wildlife watching.
  5. Protect New Zealand’s Future: Make your visit matter by adopting environmentally friendly practices and following the Leave No Trace principles.

Why the Tiaki Promise Matters

New Zealand is known for its breathtaking landscapes, from lush forests to pristine beaches, and its unique Māori culture. The Tiaki Promise helps ensure that these treasures are protected for future generations to enjoy.

By embracing the Tiaki Promise, you’re not just a visitor or resident – you become a guardian of New Zealand. Your actions, no matter how small, contribute to the preservation of this extraordinary country.

How You Can Embrace the Tiaki Promise

  • Learn about and respect Māori culture
  • Dispose of waste responsibly and recycle when possible
  • Stay on marked trails when hiking
  • Respect wildlife and marine life by observing from a distance
  • Support local and sustainable businesses
  • Use reusable bags, bottles, and utensils to reduce plastic waste
  • Follow fire safety rules and camping regulations

Remember, every action counts. By following the Tiaki Promise, you’re helping to keep New Zealand beautiful and preserve its unique character for years to come.

Join us in caring for Aotearoa. Make the Tiaki Promise today!